Presentation Themes

Allowing Faculty to have a Voice in Evaluation, Working with the Administrative Team

Presentation Type

Best Practice Presentation (45 minute presentation about a specific best practice)


The co-presenters will describe how faculty in one academic unit of a large College combining many academic disciplines were tasked with examining best practices and development of a faculty merit performance evaluation rubric. Perspective on the project will be offered by the initiating School Director, Dean of the College and Associate Dean of the College .


Shared Governance, Performance Evaluation, Assessment, Leadership, Faculty Engagement

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.



Faculty Input in Evaluation for a College with Many Disciplines

The co-presenters will describe how faculty in one academic unit of a large College combining many academic disciplines were tasked with examining best practices and development of a faculty merit performance evaluation rubric. Perspective on the project will be offered by the initiating School Director, Dean of the College and Associate Dean of the College .