Author Information

K. Bondari


Path analysis introduced by Wright in 1921 as "correlation and causation" has been extensively used in agriculture, sociology, and epidemiology, among many other fields. This study will review path diagrams, algorithms, and the relationship to standardized and mUltivariate regression analyses. Basic assumptions underlying path analysis (e.g., cause and effect relationship, linearity of regression, complete additivity) will also be discussed. Several research examples will be presented to better acquaint statisticians invol ved in agricultural research wi th the methodology and application of path analysis suitable for agricultural data. The method of path coefficient is simple, easy to use, and if "tracing rules" in a path diagram are learned, the method of path coefficient could be an important research tool.


Path coefficient, Path diagram, Causal relations, Tracing rules, Inbreeding, Multiple regression

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Apr 26th, 2:30 PM


Path analysis introduced by Wright in 1921 as "correlation and causation" has been extensively used in agriculture, sociology, and epidemiology, among many other fields. This study will review path diagrams, algorithms, and the relationship to standardized and mUltivariate regression analyses. Basic assumptions underlying path analysis (e.g., cause and effect relationship, linearity of regression, complete additivity) will also be discussed. Several research examples will be presented to better acquaint statisticians invol ved in agricultural research wi th the methodology and application of path analysis suitable for agricultural data. The method of path coefficient is simple, easy to use, and if "tracing rules" in a path diagram are learned, the method of path coefficient could be an important research tool.