
Volume 29 (2018)

Number 1
Vol. 29, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2018 (includes “Conferences,” “Symposium,” “Publishing items,” “Citations received;” memoriam for William Ittelson, written by John Hollander; book note of “An Anthropology of Landscape: The Ex-traordinary in the Ordinar;” book review by Thomas Barrie; essays by Barbara Erwine, Edward Relph, and Dennis Pohl; poems by Sheryl L. Nelms.)

Number 2
Vol. 29, No. 2, Summer/Fall 2018 (Includes “Items of Interest,” and “Citations Received;" Book note on the recently published 2nd edition of "Place and Experience: A Philosophical Topography" by philosopher Jeff Malpas; book note on EAP editor David Seamon’s recently published "Life Takes Place: Phenomenology, Lifeworlds and Place Making;" and essays by the late philosopher and science educator Henri Bortoft, and retired environmental educator John Cameron.)