Presentation Themes

Working with Faculty and Administration

Presentation Type

Best Practice Presentation (45 minute presentation about a specific best practice)


Presenters and participants will discuss a chair academy model that has had successful results. The topics covered in this presentation include the fundamental components of the academy (format, curriculum, activities), the origin of and need for the academy, and the results of a survey on the efficacy of the academy.


work-life, faculty, departmental culture, academic leadership, career flexibility

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.



The Department Chair Academy at the University of Houston-Downtown

Presenters and participants will discuss a chair academy model that has had successful results. The topics covered in this presentation include the fundamental components of the academy (format, curriculum, activities), the origin of and need for the academy, and the results of a survey on the efficacy of the academy.