

There are many factors influencing the learning environment in public school settings. As such, the recognition of developing a multidimensional approach incorporating a variety of “tools” for a teacher’s toolbox can prove to be very effective. Research indicates that movement is one such tool that can increase the capacity for students to learn (Ratey, 2008). The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of brain energizers in a 1st grade classroom in rural Appalachia. Results of the study indicated that brain energizers had a positive effect on off-task behaviors as well as academic achievement. The incorporation of movement is also recommended as one strategy to mitigate the impact of childhood trauma.

Author Biography

Dr. Rebecca Buchanan is an associate professor in the Health and Human Performance department at Emory & Henry College. She earned her M.S. in Sport Management and her Ph.D. in Education from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her research interests include the link between cognition and physical activity as well as trauma-invested practices and resilience in education. Dr. Lauren Davis is an assistant professor in the Education department at Montana State University. She earned her M.S. in Middle Grades Education from Appalachian State University and her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from East Tennessee State University. Her research interests include trauma-informed care in the educational setting, middle level education, achievement gap for students in poverty and at-risk, rural education initiatives. Mrs. Trisha Cury is a second grade elementary teacher at Meadowview Elementary School.

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