Presentation Themes

Issues and Trends in Higher Education

Presentation Type

Best Practice Presentation (45 minute presentation about a specific best practice)


More new adjuncts than new tenure-track faculty? Enrollment and budgets contribute, but the “adjunctification” trend is more complex. The steady unbundling of faculty roles is an important but less recognized contributor. This session overviews the unbundling phenomenon and positions faculty to make informed decisions at their home campuses.


Faculty roles, unbundling faculty roles, technology and college curriculum, college staffing trends

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Additional Files

Bio J Kress for ACC 2020.docx (12 kB)



Faculty Roles: Unending, Unbundling, or Unraveling?

More new adjuncts than new tenure-track faculty? Enrollment and budgets contribute, but the “adjunctification” trend is more complex. The steady unbundling of faculty roles is an important but less recognized contributor. This session overviews the unbundling phenomenon and positions faculty to make informed decisions at their home campuses.