

Rural Activities, Wellness Activities, Older Adults, Elderly, Great Plains, Senior Centers


Growing interest in healthier aging coincides with the comprehensive whole person wellness model, defined by Hettler (2003), that includes physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, occupational, and social dimensions. This study examined current activities for older adults in rural senior centers in the Great Plains. A mail survey was administered to the directors of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska senior centers. Findings indicated that only 15 percent of the senior centers in the three states offered activities for all six wellness dimensions. To accommodate activities in a rural senior center, both programs and space for the programs for diverse activities should be addressed.

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1. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

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4. Montague, J. & Stanley, D. (1998). Designing and developing wellness centers for older adults. Wellness Management, retrieved from http://seniorfitness.net, October 31, 2006.

5. Kang, M., & Russ, R. (2009). Activities that promote wellness for older adults in rural communities. Journal of Extension, 47, 1-5.

6. Bull, C., Krout, J., Rathbone-McCuan, E., & Shreffer, M. (2001). Access and issues of equity in remote/rural areas. The Journal of Rural Health, 17, 356-359.

7. Infeld, D., & Whitelaw, N. (2002). Policy initiatives to promote healthy aging. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 18, 627-642.

8. Skarupski, K. & Pelkowski, J. (2003). Multipurpose senior centers: Opportunities for community health nursing. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 20, 119-132.

9. Kochera, A., & Bright, K. (2006). Livable communities for older people. American Society on Aging, 29, 32-36.

10. Filkins, R., Allen, J., & Cordes, S. (2000). Predicting community satisfaction among rural residents: An integrative model. Rural Sociology, 65, 72-86.

11. Li, H. (2006). Rural older adults’ access barriers to in-home and community-based services. Social Work Research, 30, 109-118.

12. Kirk, A. & Alessi, H. (2002). Rural senior service centers: A study of the impact on quality of life issues. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 26, 51-64.

13. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

14. Kochera, A., & Bright, K. (2006). Livable communities for older people. American Society on Aging, 29, 32-36.

15. Kang, M., & Russ, R. (2009). Activities that promote wellness for older adults in rural communities. Journal of Extension, 47, 1-5.

16. Kang, M., & Russ, R. (2009). Activities that promote wellness for older adults in rural communities. Journal of Extension, 47, 1-5.

17. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

18. Infeld, D., & Whitelaw, N. (2002). Policy initiatives to promote healthy aging. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 18, 627-642.

19. Skarupski, K. & Pelkowski, J. (2003). Multipurpose senior centers: Opportunities for community health nursing. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 20, 119-132.

20. Bull, C., Krout, J., Rathbone-McCuan, E., & Shreffer, M. (2001). Access and issues of equity in remote/rural areas. The Journal of Rural Health, 17, 356-359.

21. Infeld, D., & Whitelaw, N. (2002). Policy initiatives to promote healthy aging. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 18, 627-642.

22. Kochera, A., & Bright, K. (2006). Livable communities for older people. American Society on Aging, 29, 32-36.

23. Administration on Aging (2001). Senior Centers: Administration on Aging: Fact Sheet. http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/factsheet/seniorcenters.html.

24. Li, H. (2006). Rural older adults’ access barriers to in-home and community-based services. Social Work Research, 30, 109-118.

25. Administration on Aging (2001). Senior Centers: Administration on Aging: Fact Sheet. http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/factsheet/seniorcenters.html.

26. Infeld, D., & Whitelaw, N. (2002). Policy initiatives to promote healthy aging. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 18, 627-642.

27. Kochera, A., & Bright, K. (2006). Livable communities for older people. American Society on Aging, 29, 32-36.

28. Filkins, R., Allen, J., & Cordes, S. (2000). Predicting community satisfaction among rural residents: An integrative model. Rural Sociology, 65, 72-86.

29. Kirk, A. & Alessi, H. (2002). Rural senior service centers: A study of the impact on quality of life issues. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 26, 51-64.

30. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

31. Administration on Aging (2001). Senior Centers: Administration on Aging: Fact Sheet. http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/factsheet/seniorcenters.html.

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33. U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000. Retrieved from http://www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html on January 12, 2009.

34. Montague, J. & Stanley, D. (1998). Designing and developing wellness centers for older adults. Wellness Management, retrieved from http://seniorfitness.net, October 31, 2006.

35. Montague, J. & Stanley, D. (1998). Designing and developing wellness centers for older adults. Wellness Management, retrieved from http://seniorfitness.net, October 31, 2006.

36. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

37. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

38. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

39. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

40. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

41. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

42. Hettler, B. (1980). Wellness promotion on a university campus: Family and community health Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance, 3, 77-95.

43. Kirk, A. & Alessi, H. (2002). Rural senior service centers: A study of the impact on quality of life issues. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 26, 51-64.

44. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

45. Li, H. (2006). Rural older adults’ access barriers to in-home and community-based services. Social Work Research, 30, 109-118.

46. Kirk, A. & Alessi, H. (2002). Rural senior service centers: A study of the impact on quality of life issues. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 26, 51-64.

47. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

48. Li, H. (2006). Rural older adults’ access barriers to in-home and community-based services. Social Work Research, 30, 109-118.

49. Kirk, A. & Alessi, H. (2002). Rural senior service centers: A study of the impact on quality of life issues. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 26, 51-64.

50. Li, H. (2006). Rural older adults’ access barriers to in-home and community-based services. Social Work Research, 30, 109-118.

51. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

52. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

53. Skarupski, K. & Pelkowski, J. (2003). Multipurpose senior centers: Opportunities for community health nursing. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 20, 119-132.

54. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

55. Infeld, D., & Whitelaw, N. (2002). Policy initiatives to promote healthy aging. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 18, 627-642.

56. Administration on Aging (2001). Senior Centers: Administration on Aging: Fact Sheet. http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/factsheet/seniorcenters.html.

57. U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000. retrieved from http://www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html on January 12, 2009.

58. Beverly, C. J., Mcatee, R., Costello, J. Chernoff, R., & Casteel, J. (2005). Needs assessment of rural communities: a focus on older adults. Journal of Community Health, 30(3), 197-212.

59. Turner, K. W., (2004). Senior citizens centers: what they offer, who participates and what they gain. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 43, 36-47.

60. Kang, M., & Russ, R. (2009). Activities that promote wellness for older adults in rural communities. Journal of Extension, 47, 1-5.
