

Age, Income, Rural, Life Course Theory, Rural South Dakota


Previous research establishes a positive correlation between age and income during the working years of 18 to 65. Survey data from the first 10 communities in a development project in South Dakota do not exhibit this correlation. Census data is examined for the 10 counties involved to determine whether the correlation is absent countywide or if self-selection bias may have produced this result. With income distributions matching their respective counties and working age distributions that do not, factors that might skew self-selection in the observed manner are examined from a life-course perspective.

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35. Diaz-Giménez, Javier, Andy Glover, and José Victor Ríos-Rull. 2011. "Facts on the Distributions of Earnings, Income, and Wealth in the United States: 2007 Update." Quarterly Review (02715287) 34:2-31.

36. Diaz-Giménez, Javier, Andy Glover, and José Victor Ríos-Rull. 2011. "Facts on the Distributions of Earnings, Income, and Wealth in the United States: 2007 Update." Quarterly Review (02715287) 34:2-31.

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46. Carr, Patrick J. and Maria J. Kefalas. 2009. Hollowing Out the Middle: The rural brain drain and what it means for America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

47. Carr, Patrick J. and Maria J. Kefalas. 2009. Hollowing Out the Middle: The rural brain drain and what it means for America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

48. Carr, Patrick J. and Maria J. Kefalas. 2009. Hollowing Out the Middle: The rural brain drain and what it means for America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
