Presentation Themes

Leadership and Management

Presentation Type

Interactive Workshop (105 minute solution-based workshop)


Institutions of higher education face numerous crises from natural disasters to mass shootings to sexual abuse scandals. Our interactive workshop will engage participants in planning, negotiating, and recovering from a variety of institutional crises. Participants will develop concrete plans for crisis preparation and recovery, including retrospective sensemaking.


Crisis management, crisis communication, navigating ambiguity, retrospective sensemaking, strategic planning

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.



Are You Ready for a Crisis? Communication and Continuity in the Aftermath

Institutions of higher education face numerous crises from natural disasters to mass shootings to sexual abuse scandals. Our interactive workshop will engage participants in planning, negotiating, and recovering from a variety of institutional crises. Participants will develop concrete plans for crisis preparation and recovery, including retrospective sensemaking.