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17-12-2018 9:00 AM


microstructured neurtron detectors, MPFD, MSND


The shortage of 3He gas, identified as a problem several years ago, initiated research into alternative neutron detectors for various applications. One such technology is the microstructured semiconductor neutron detector (MSND). These compact detectors have microstructures etched deeply into the substrates that are subsequently backfilled with neutron reactive material. Single sided devices typically have thermal neutron detection efficiencies exceeding 30%, while double sided microstructured semiconductor neutron detectors (DS-MSND) have yielded >69% thermal neutron detection efficiency. Both MSNDs and DS-MSNDs have been integrated into compact low-noise and low-power electronics modules. Dosimetry calculations indicate that these detectors can be used as active wearable neutron dosimeters. A discussion on the physics, performance and instrumentation of these MSNDs will be presented.

The radiation environment in a nuclear reactor precludes the use of semiconductor detectors for in-core sensors, leading to the invention of another miniaturized neutron detector, the micro- pocket fission detector (MPFD). The detectors were developed for real time reactor power monitoring and also for pulse tracking for power excursion experiments. These miniaturized fission chambers have gas pockets on the order of 1 mm3 with a small concentration of uranium electrodeposited inside the gas chamber. The detectors are composed of radiation hard materials and assembled without adhesives. The small geometries can be assembled in arrays to transmit reactor power at various locations. Stable device operation was confirmed by testing under steady-state reactor conditions. Reactor power transients were observed in real-time. Design details and performance of MPFDs will be presented.


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Dec 17th, 9:00 AM

Micro Structured Sensors for Neutron Detection

The shortage of 3He gas, identified as a problem several years ago, initiated research into alternative neutron detectors for various applications. One such technology is the microstructured semiconductor neutron detector (MSND). These compact detectors have microstructures etched deeply into the substrates that are subsequently backfilled with neutron reactive material. Single sided devices typically have thermal neutron detection efficiencies exceeding 30%, while double sided microstructured semiconductor neutron detectors (DS-MSND) have yielded >69% thermal neutron detection efficiency. Both MSNDs and DS-MSNDs have been integrated into compact low-noise and low-power electronics modules. Dosimetry calculations indicate that these detectors can be used as active wearable neutron dosimeters. A discussion on the physics, performance and instrumentation of these MSNDs will be presented.

The radiation environment in a nuclear reactor precludes the use of semiconductor detectors for in-core sensors, leading to the invention of another miniaturized neutron detector, the micro- pocket fission detector (MPFD). The detectors were developed for real time reactor power monitoring and also for pulse tracking for power excursion experiments. These miniaturized fission chambers have gas pockets on the order of 1 mm3 with a small concentration of uranium electrodeposited inside the gas chamber. The detectors are composed of radiation hard materials and assembled without adhesives. The small geometries can be assembled in arrays to transmit reactor power at various locations. Stable device operation was confirmed by testing under steady-state reactor conditions. Reactor power transients were observed in real-time. Design details and performance of MPFDs will be presented.