Submission Title
Critical Heat Flux and power transients at low-pressure low-flow conditions in vertical flow boiling
Presentation Type
Start Date
18-12-2018 1:00 PM
In the advanced boiling water reactor concepts such as AHWR and ESBWR, the recirculation pumps are eliminated in order to simplify the design. During the start-up of such reactors, to establish the natural circulation, the primary coolant has to be heated up slowly in steady steps; it is quite important to determine the characteristics of boiling and critical heat flux (CHF) values in order to establish operational limits. Flow boiling experiments were conducted in an annular channel at very low flow rates and atmospheric pressure varying the inlet subcooling from 20 to 400 C. CHF occurred during the oscillatory flow pattern transition from slug to churn regime. Comparing the low- pressure and low-flow critical heat flux data with the present data has shown that CHF increased under oscillatory flow pattern transition from slug to churn. Power transient experiments were also performed at low-pressure and low-flow conditions. Flow regimes and the sequence of events leading to critical heat flux were visually observed using the high-speed camera.
Recommended Citation
Vadlamudi, S. R.G. and Nayak, A. K. (2018). "Critical Heat Flux and power transients at low-pressure low-flow conditions in vertical flow boiling," Symposium on Advanced Sensors and Modeling Techniques for Nuclear Reactor Safety.
Critical Heat Flux and power transients at low-pressure low-flow conditions in vertical flow boiling
In the advanced boiling water reactor concepts such as AHWR and ESBWR, the recirculation pumps are eliminated in order to simplify the design. During the start-up of such reactors, to establish the natural circulation, the primary coolant has to be heated up slowly in steady steps; it is quite important to determine the characteristics of boiling and critical heat flux (CHF) values in order to establish operational limits. Flow boiling experiments were conducted in an annular channel at very low flow rates and atmospheric pressure varying the inlet subcooling from 20 to 400 C. CHF occurred during the oscillatory flow pattern transition from slug to churn regime. Comparing the low- pressure and low-flow critical heat flux data with the present data has shown that CHF increased under oscillatory flow pattern transition from slug to churn. Power transient experiments were also performed at low-pressure and low-flow conditions. Flow regimes and the sequence of events leading to critical heat flux were visually observed using the high-speed camera.