Volume 7, Number 1 (1979)
Introductory Materials
Table of contents and editorial information for Vol. 7, no. 1, Fall 1979
Charles E. Litz and Mary Kahl Sparks
Student publications versus the public relations concept
Robert P. Knight
The relationship between linguistics and education
Robert E. Shafer
Effect of an infant stimulation program on children
Grace E. Holmes, Richard L. Simpson, and Lee Ann Britain
Student evaluation of faculty performance
Robert V. Supple
Forward to the basics
Carl S. Johnson
The games people play; the names people say - part of today's educational scenario
Jane Dunlap, Isobel Pfeiffer, and Frederick Schultz
Accountability in higher education
Mary L. Keaton and Alvin E. Keaton
Curriculum for the middle school
Thomas J. Buttery
Another chapter in the textbook controversy
James C. Carper
Adults get more attention from educators
Robert E. Scott
About the authors
Charles E. Litz and Mary Kahl Sparks
Full Issue
Educational Considerations, vol. 7(1) Full Issue
Charles E. Litz and Mary Kahl Sparks