
Volume 33 (1986)

This volume originally published as Fungal Genetics Newsletter #33.

Regular Papers


Map of Plasmid pRAL1.
R. A. Akins, A. R. Kubelik, and A. M. Lambowitz


Isolating RNA is easy and fun.
J. A. A. Chambers and V. E. A. Russo


A method to analyze the mode of action of hormones using conidiation rhythm of Neurospora.
K. Hasunuma, K. Tomita, K. Mitsouka, Y. Shinohara, and T. Nakamura


Construction of testers for reversion assay.
M. Kimura, N. Osawa, C. Ishii, and H. Inoue


Characterization of a slow growing inl+ revertant Neurospora crassa strain.
A. M. Kiss, M. Schablik, A. Zsindely, and G. Szabo


Rapid miniprep of DNA from filamentous fungi.
J. Leach, D. B. Finkelstein, and J. A. Rambosek

Contribution from the Fungal Genetics Stock Center