

Hispanic farmworkers are at disproportionate risk of pesticide exposure. Moreover, new immigrant, Spanish-speaking farmworkers are least likely to receive safety training and protection from pesticides in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE). Provision is known to increase PPE use among farmworkers, but it is unclear whether provision helps new immigrant Hispanic farmworkers. Thus, this study examined the extent to which provision increases Hispanic farmworkers’ use of PPE. Additionally, we examined associations with English language acculturation since language barriers might influence training and use of PPE in a largely new immigrant, Spanish-speaking workforce. Farmworkers were provided three types of PPE (chemical-resistant gloves, safety glasses, and long-sleeved shirts) as part of the ¡Protejase! study. We assessed differences in the use of PPE that was provided by the ¡Protejase! study compared to PPE that farmworkers were not provided. We also measured workers’ English language acculturation, training, and other work demographic variables. PPE use was measured at baseline and after 30 days, and analyzed using OLS regression. Use of study-provided PPE was significantly higher, but only among participants with low levels of English language acculturation (p < .05). Thus, providing PPE increases its use among farmworkers with low levels of English language acculturation.

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