Sapere Aude — Dare to Be Wise: Robert J. McDermott
Robert J. McDermott
Advancing Health Behavior Research Through Implementation Science: American Academy of Health Behavior Presidential Note
Julie M. Croff
Research Articles
Just Pin It: Understanding the Dynamics of Pinterest Use, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Health Behaviors
Kathryn E. Dolphin, Rachel Char, and Summer Rogers
Electronic Nicotine Product (ENP) Graphic Warnings: Association between Exposure and Changes in Perceived Susceptibility and Severity of Explosion and Lung Injuries
Erica Harp, Matthew E. Rossheim, Xiaoquan Zhao, Christian Seiter, Ogechikamma C. Emechebe, and Eric Soule
Impact of an Adaptive Worksite Diabetes Prevention Trial on Health Action Process Approach Outcomes regarding Dietary Intake and Physical Activity
Danielle E. King, Carla K. Miller, Haikady N. Nagaraja, Kentaro Fujita, and Jennifer S. Cheavens
Research Brief
Comparison of health-related fitness and modifiable lifestyle behaviors between SWAT officers and professional firefighters: An exploratory study
Joel Martin, Anne Akagi, Michael Toczko, Megan Sax van der Weyden, Kayleigh Newman, Joseph Hahn, and Marcie B. Fyock-Martin