Presentation Type

Best Practice Presentation (45 minute presentation about a specific best practice)


The chairs of an Education, Sports & Exercise Science, and Psychology Departments, and their former dean, share how they have been able to implement innovative recruitment strategies from an academic standpoint to increase enrollment in their departments and in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.


Recruitment, Enrollment, Innovation, Data, Alumni

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Additional Files

jdennis.pdf (99 kB)



Recruiting for your Department: The Role of the Chair

The chairs of an Education, Sports & Exercise Science, and Psychology Departments, and their former dean, share how they have been able to implement innovative recruitment strategies from an academic standpoint to increase enrollment in their departments and in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.