New Prairie Press - Digital Humanities Symposium: Claiming One Future for Digital Humanities: Undergraduate Learning, Creation, & Ownership

Event Title

Claiming One Future for Digital Humanities: Undergraduate Learning, Creation, & Ownership

Start Date

28-2-2015 9:15 AM


Discussions and scholarship in Digital Humanities often don’t include undergraduates. But they should. The field represents an important frontier for teaching, learning, and scholarship, and not just for researchers or for graduate students. Incorporating digital tools in the humanities can and should be a key part of the undergraduate research experience. One path for Digital Humanities embraces the idea that undergraduate students should be active participants in the consumption, analysis, and construction of knowledge, claiming for themselves roles as learners, creators, and owners.

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Feb 28th, 9:15 AM

Claiming One Future for Digital Humanities: Undergraduate Learning, Creation, & Ownership

Discussions and scholarship in Digital Humanities often don’t include undergraduates. But they should. The field represents an important frontier for teaching, learning, and scholarship, and not just for researchers or for graduate students. Incorporating digital tools in the humanities can and should be a key part of the undergraduate research experience. One path for Digital Humanities embraces the idea that undergraduate students should be active participants in the consumption, analysis, and construction of knowledge, claiming for themselves roles as learners, creators, and owners.