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Becoming Humans: An introduction to Biological Anthropology is written for undergraduate students in any major. Biological anthropology focuses on the study of human and non-human primate biological variation and evolution. The book traces the evolutionary history of modern humans, as well as modern human dispersals and adaptations, to different -and sometimes challenging-, environments. Human characteristics are analyzed from a comparative context and in relation to those present or absent in some of our closes living primate relatives. Human variation is examined from an evolutionary, historic, and adaptive perspective. The book offers insights on what makes us human and contextualizes our species within a continuum of biological variation and evolution.


The book starts with an introduction to anthropology, including its main four subfields. Each subdiscipline is defined, and examples of their type of studies are provided. Particular attention is paid to biological anthropology and its scope. The book continues with a review of basic cell biology and genetics. These sections provide the foundation for understanding how evolution works. Evolutionary theory and forces are presented and reviewed, and the history of evolutionary theory is examined. Human evolution is addressed starting with early primate evolution, followed by the emergence of hominid forms such as Australopithecine and Homo species. Hypotheses regarding the tempo and mode of human evolution are evaluated in light of recent findings. Modern human populations are examined from the lens of biological variation and historical perspectives. Current human evolution is addressed paying particular attention to current environmental conditions.



Publication Date

Summer 8-16-2024


New Prairie Press


Manhattan, Kansas


Biological Anthropology

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Becoming Humans: An introduction to Biological Anthropology
