Volume 10, Number 1 (1983)
Introductory Materials
Table of contents and editorial information for Vol. 10, no. 1, Winter 1983
Charles E. Litz, Eddy J. Van Meter, and Susan J. Scollay
Viewpoint: Undergraduates look at professional education
Nancy Mikesell, Hope Morgan, Scott Pendleton, and Julie Siemsen
Moral education in public schools: Some realities, problems and suggestions for educators
Peggy A. Dettmer
The relationships between public education and higher education: Neutrality, symbiosis or antagonism
Richard E. Ishler
Impact of student teachers on cooperating teachers
David P. Lopez and John I. Thomas
The leadership hierarchy in school-based curriculum development
Gerald D. Bailey and J. Harvey Littrell
Assuring teacher competence
Leonard M. Chaffee
The purposes of schooling
John Martin Rich
Why are Kansas teachers leaving the profession?
James N. Akin
A proposal for federal preparatory schools
Wallace Dace
Bloom for the lay reader
William E. Sparkman
Democracy in education
Phillip L. Smith
Full Issue
Educational Considerations, vol. 10(1) Full Issue
Charles E. Litz, Eddy J. Van Meter, and Susan J. Scollay