Volume 23, Number 1 (1995)
Introductory Materials
Teacher Dismissal: A Policy Study of the Impact of Tenure
Bettye MacPhail-Wilcox and Michael E. Ward
Principal Construction of Normative Frameworks: Improving Schooling for Students
John L. Keedy, David S. Seeley, and Paul F. Bitting
Collaborative Doctoral Programs In Educational Administration: A Status Report
Jack McKay and Marilyn L: Grady
Principals' Perceptions of the Rule Making Aspects of Leadership in Hawaii
John A. Thompson and Donald R. Nugent
Programs that Prepare Principals for Allocating Resources at the School Site: Principals and Superintendents Respond
Barbara Y. LaCost and Marilyn L: Grady
Students at Risk: Predisposing Factors, Warning Signs, and Treatment Plans
David L. Griffin Sr.
An Analysis of Parent Voting Patterns in Rural School Bond Elections
Gary Greene and Gary Bergman
Law and Education
Christine Arab and Joan Curcio