Volume 5, Number 2 (1978)
Introductory Materials
Table of contents and editorial information for Vol. 5, no. 2, Winter 1978
Charles E. Litz and Mary Kahl Sparks
Viewpoint: Kansas and competency-based education
Charles E. Litz
A question of testing and grading
Robert Paul Craig
Effect of students' expectations
Thomas S. Parish, Richard F. Palazzo, and Jocelyn G. Parish
Competency-based Teacher Education in proper perspective
James Stover Taylor
A re-examination and resolution of the Behaviorism vs. Humanism debate for counselors
Richard V. Peach
Decision-points in curriculum work
Gerald M. Mager
On the being of a teacher: analysis vs. experience in the classroom
Linda Preston Scott
Bigger is not always better
Gayle Bennett
A new approach to budgeting and financial management
Lyndon G. Furst
Legal rights of the gifted
Carvin L. Brown
Full Issue
Educational Considerations, vol. 5(2) Full Issue
Charles E. Litz and Mary Kahl Sparks