Volume 8, Number 4 (1981)
Note: this issue was originally numbered incorrectly as vol. 8, no. 3.
Introductory Materials
Table of contents and editorial information for Vol. 8, no. [4], Fall 1981.
Charles E. Litz and Eddy J. Van Meter
Viewpoint: Toward a head-on collision
Diane Ravitch
Developing skills with pre-service teachers
Bruce A. Petty and T. Randall Koetting
The changing profile of Kansas trustees
Paul Parker and Patrick Parker
Some problems with values clarification
Robert Craig
Employing visual literacy techniques
John A. Hortin
Accepting the challenge of multicultural education
James B. Boyer
A church-state compromise
Stephen B. Thomas
Looking ahead in education: Some predictions
Richard E. Ishler
Portrait paints thought-provoking picture
Donald F. Young
Book provides useful data base for teachers
Paul R. Burden
Author explores politics of education
Terry G. Geske
Analysis of a lecture
Gerald D. Bailey
Full Issue
Educational Considerations, vol. 8(4) Full Issue
Charles E. Litz and Eddy J. Van Meter