NPP > JOURNALS > FGR > Vol. 42 (1995)
Volume 42 (1995)
This volume originally published as Fungal Genetics Newsletter #42.
Regular Papers
A mutant strain of Aspergillus nidulans is hypersensitive to cycloheximide
N. Babudri and G Morpurgo
Genotoxic activity of 2-amino-N-hydroxylaminopurine (AHA) in Aspergillus nidulans
N. Babudri, G. Morpurgo, C. Checchi, S. Pimpinelli, and A. Marini
An economical strategy for chromosome walking in the Neurospora crassa pMOcosX library
Frederick J. Bowring and David E.A. Catcheside
A lambda/plasmid Cre/lox hybrid vector for large genomic (18kb) fragment insertions and fungal genomic library construction
Joseph P. Brunelli and Martin L. Pall
A safe method of extracting DNA from Coccidioides immitis
Austin Burt, Deidre A. Carter, Gina L. Koenig, Thomas J. White, and John W. Taylor
Restriction maps of telomeres from Magnaporthe grisea
Mark L. Farman and Sally A. Leong
A simple dot blot assay to measure hygromycin B phosphotransferase activity in whole cell extracts of Neurospora crassa
Michael Freitag and Matthew S. Sachs
The effect of DNA structure and restriction enzymes on transformation efficiencies in Neurospora crassa
Kristina Garnand and Mary Anne Nelson
Reduced viability of N. crassa ergosterol mutants on Vogel's medium.
Uwe Hilgert and Hans D. VanEtten
The Wilson-Garnjobst heterokaryon incompatibility tester strains of Neurospora crassa contain modifiers which influence growth rate of heterokaryons and distort segregation ratios.
D. J. Jacobson, J. Ohrnberger, and R. A. Akins
Transformation of Magnaporthe grisea to phosphinothricin resistance using the bar gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus
Hei Leung, Pat Loomis, and Martin L. Pall
A chromosome walk linking the gatA and alcC genes of Aspergillus nidulans
Robyn Lints, Michael Hynes, and Meryl Davis
Mutants of Cochliobolus heterostrophus deficient in extracellular enzymes
Linda K. Lyngholm, Peggy R. Thorson, Caroline A. Spike, and Charlotte R. Bronson
White ascospore mutants in Ascobolus immersus: lack of the secondary spore wall, and allelism-testing
Veronica J. Marro and Bernard C. Lamb
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum 5.8s rRNA gene and adjacent ITS1 and ITS2 regions
Salvatore Moricca, Takao Kasuga, Keith Mitchelson, and Alessandro Ragazzi
Mind the buffering capacity of citric acid
S. R. Nozawa, I. C. Rigoli, G. Thedei Jr., and A. Rossi
Cloning of the copper-inducible metallothionein (cmt) promoter from Neurospora crassa.
J. Ohrnberger and R. A. Akins
Neurospora chromosome rearrangements with mutant phenotypes provide an opportunity to sequence breakpoint junctions
David D. Perkins
Recombination between Fusarium oxysporum telomeres and pUC ampicillin resistance gene in a transforming vector.
W. A. Powell and Z. H. Yan
Homologous recombination following transformation in Neurospora crassa wild type and mutagen sensitive strains
Alice L. Schroeder, Martin L. Pall, James Lotzgesell, and Jacie Siino
Characterization of Neurospora crassa albino mutants that were previously unassigned to locus
M. Schumacher, Yi-Zhong Liu, Hongjian Liu, and T. J. Schmidhauser
Sterol 14,15 reductase (erg-3) mutations switch the phenotype of Neurospora crassa from sensitivity to the tomato saponin alpha-tomatine to sensitivity to the pea phytoalexin pisatin
Saswati Sengupta, T. Bhavani Prasanna, and D. P. Kasbekar
Different frequencies of RIP among early vs. late ascospores of Neurospora crassa
Michael J. Singer, Elena A. Kuzminova, Alison Tharp, Brian S. Margolin, and Eric U. Selker
A rapid method of heterologous gene cloning using cotransformation of lambda genomic DNA banks in Aspergillus nidulans
M. S. Stanley, P. Hooley, and N. J.W. Clipson
Genetic mapping of the N. crassa pho-5 gene
W. K. Versaw and R. L. Metzenberg
A simple method for making disposable race tubes
Brian White and Dow Woodward
Assessment of Magnaporthe grisea mating type by spore PCR
Jin-Rong Xu and John E. Hamer
Polymorphism in the 3 flank of his-3 and the origin of Neurospora wild-types
P. J. Yeadon and David E.A. Catcheside
1995 Aspergillus Bibliography
John Clutterbuck
1995 Neurospora bibliography
J. C. Schmit
Supplementary Material
18th Fungal Genetics Conference
Fungal Genetics Conference