
Thank you to those who submitted articles for our second issue. We are no longer accepting submissions. This website will remain live to provide access to previous issues. We would like to thank authors, reviewers, and faculty for their patronage and support.

Prairie Journal of Educational Research PJER is a journal created by and for Kansas State University’s College of Education students. Designed specifically for Kansas State University College of Education students, PJER provides a platform for student publication and an opportunity to learn about the world of academic publishing.

As an author, students can experience the submission and editorial process, gain constructive feedback about their academic writing, and become published in a refereed journal. In addition, students can also serve as reviewers for the journal and learn more about what editors are looking for in articles, help other students improve and develop their academic writing, and serve their field.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2018)

Introductory Materials



Case Study of the Accommodation Readiness Spiral as an Evaluative Framework for Action Research Plans
Stephanie McCutcheon, Erica Sponberg, Judith Mena Pazmiño, Kevin Murry, and Socorro Herrera

PJER Full Issue