
About This Journal

Aims and Scope

The mission of Prairie Journal of Educational Research PJER is to publish quality academic research articles by students enrolled in the College of Education at Kansas State University that make significant contributions to education-related fields. In addition, PJER also seeks to provide opportunities for students to become involved with the editorial and peer review processes of the journal.

PJER publishes education-related articles presenting empirical research (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods) and action research.


PJER supports the movement for free, unrestricted access to information. PJER provides open access to its content on the principle that making information freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of information that leads to knowledge and progress.


PJER was created by the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and External Funding within the College of Education at Kansas State University in Spring 2014. The impetus for creation of PJER was the desire to create more opportunities for students to have experience with the publishing and review processes of academia.