


Review, Women's Poetry in France, 1965-1995, Martine Antle, Juan Goytisolo and the Poetics of Contagion: The Evolution of a Radical Aesthetic in the Later Novels, Bernardo Antonio González, Rewriting Germany from the Margins: "Other" German Literature of the 1980s and 1990s, Cornelius Partsch, Exorcising History: Argentine Theater under Dictatorship, Daniel Altamiranda, Michael Bishop, Stanley Black, Petra Fachinger, Jean Graham-Jones, Kenneth J. Wishnia, Twentieth-Century Ecuadorian Narrative, Adelaida López de Martínez


Bishop, Michael, ed. Women's Poetry in France, 1965-1995. by Martine Antle

Black, Stanley. Juan Goytisolo and the Poetics of Contagion: The Evolution of a Radical Aesthetic in the Later Novels by Bernardo Antonio González

Fachinger, Petra. Rewriting Germany from the Margins: "Other" German Literature of the 1980s and 1990s by Cornelius Partsch

Graham-Jones, Jean. Exorcising History: Argentine Theater under Dictatorship by Daniel Altamiranda

Wishnia, Kenneth J. Twentieth-Century Ecuadorian Narrative by Adelaida López de Martínez

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