


Michael Chanan, Cuban Cinema, David William Foster, Gerald N. Izenberg, Modernism and Masculinity: Mann Wedekind Kandisnky through World War I, Aaron J. Cohen, Stefan Jonsson, Subject Without Nation: Robert Musil and the History of Modern Identity, Post-Contemporary Interventions, Albrecht Classen, David Aram Kaiser, Romanticism Aesthetics and Nationalism, Cambridge Studies in Romanticism 34, Catherine Grimm, Adelaida Lopez de Martinez, Harriet Turner, The Cambridge Companion to the Spanish Novel: From 1600 to the Present, Toni Dorca, Mark R. McCulloh, Understanding W.G. Sebald, Peter C. Pfeiffer, Dale E. Peterson, Up From Bondage: The Literatures of Russian and African American Soul, Kathleen M. Ahren


Chanan, Michael. Cuban Cinema David William Foster

Izenberg, Gerald N. Modernism and Masculinity: Mann, Wedekind, Kandisnky through World War I. Aaron J. Cohen

Jonsson, Stefan. Subject Without Nation: Robert Musil and the History of Modern Identity. Post-Contemporary Interventions. Albrecht Classen

Kaiser, David Aram. Romanticism, Aesthetics and Nationalism. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism 34. Catherine Grimm

Lopez de Martinez, Adelaida and Harriet Turner. The Cambridge Companion to the Spanish Novel: From 1600 to the Present. Toni Dorca

McCulloh, Mark R. Understanding W.G. Sebald. Peter C. Pfeiffer

Peterson, Dale E. Up From Bondage: The Literatures of Russian and African American Soul. Kathleen M. Ahren

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