


Mexican American Writers, Borderlands, Representation of Masochism, Queer Desire, Masochism, Queer, How to Read World Literature, World Literature, Feminine Agency, Post-Franco Spain, Carme Riera, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Mercedes Abad, Ambiguous Subjects, Caribbean Perspectives on Modernity, Kristeva, Foucault, Deleuze, Gothic-postmodernism, Paradise Discourse, Imperialism, Globalization, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak


Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak and Nancy Sullivan. Conversations with Mexican American Writers: Languages and Literatures in the Borderlands by Tanya González

Barbara Mennel. The Representation of Masochism and Queer Desire in Film and Literature by Amy Gates-Young

David Damrosch. How to Read World Literature by Lisabeth Hock

Maria DiFrancesco. Feminine Agency and Transgression in Post-Franco Spain: Generational Becoming in the Narratives of Carme Riera, Cristina Fernández Cubas and Mercedes Abad by Maryanne L. Leone

Jennifer Wawrzinek. Ambiguous Subjects: Dissolution and Metamorphosis in the Postmodern Sublime by Claudine Fisher

Maria Cristina Fumagalli. Caribbean Perspectives on Modernity: Returning Medusa’s Gaze by Laurence M. Porter

Macedonio Fernández. The Museum of Eterna’s Novel by Todd S. Garth

Russell West-Pavlov. Space in Theory: Kristeva, Foucault, Deleuze by Zoe Petropoulou

Maria Beville. Gothic-postmodernism: Voicing the Terrors of Postmodernity by Terri Engnoth

Sharae Deckard. Paradise Discourse, Imperialism, and Globalization: Exploiting Eden by Miguel González-Abellás

Sangeeta Ray. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: In Other Words by Cybelle H. McFadden

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