Presentation Themes

Leadership and Management

Presentation Type

Interactive Workshop (105 minute solution-based workshop)


Development in higher education is often used synonymously with fundraising – and many believe both are relegated to the Office of Institutional Advancement and perhaps the Deans. However, the work of development in the contemporary university is quickly becoming everyone’s responsibility – including Department Chairs. While many chairs may have experience in writing grants to bring in revenue, the skills required to work with prospective donors are quite different. This session will provide all chairs with tools and resources focused on fundraising for the academic department. Donor relations, building a relationship with Institutional Advancement, and developing a department-based advisory board will all be discussed.


Development, Fundraising, Institutional Advancement, Leadership

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Additional Files

Hlavac Leadership Bio.pdf (62 kB)



Development for Department Chairs: Why Fundraising is Now Part of the Job

Development in higher education is often used synonymously with fundraising – and many believe both are relegated to the Office of Institutional Advancement and perhaps the Deans. However, the work of development in the contemporary university is quickly becoming everyone’s responsibility – including Department Chairs. While many chairs may have experience in writing grants to bring in revenue, the skills required to work with prospective donors are quite different. This session will provide all chairs with tools and resources focused on fundraising for the academic department. Donor relations, building a relationship with Institutional Advancement, and developing a department-based advisory board will all be discussed.