Presentation Themes

Leadership and Management

Presentation Type

Interactive Workshop (105 minute solution-based workshop)


This workshops explores both the positive and negative aspects of communication with faculty, staff and administration. It emphasizes the effectiveness of GOOD communication skills as well as the dangers of MISCOMMUNICATION. Case studies, audience participation, and excerpts from literature on the topic will be presented.


peers, leadership, administration, communication, faculty

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.



Effective Communication in Academia: It Goes Both ways!

This workshops explores both the positive and negative aspects of communication with faculty, staff and administration. It emphasizes the effectiveness of GOOD communication skills as well as the dangers of MISCOMMUNICATION. Case studies, audience participation, and excerpts from literature on the topic will be presented.