Academic Leaders and Decision Making Dean (Dino) J. Laury Dr., RIT |
Administrative Chairs and Decision Making Dean J. Laury Ed.D, Rochester Institute of Technology |
Antiracist Academic Leadership in Wake of Charlottesville David S. Owen, University of Louisville |
Being Comfortable with the Uncomfortable: Tips for Addressing Conflict Christopher Jochum, Fort Hays State University |
Building Blocks of Effective Leadership Katherine Frank, Central Washington University |
Building Capacity through Facilitated Conversations Sarah Edwards, University of Nebraska at Omaha |
Collaborative College Leadership Maureen E. Wilson, Bowling Green State University - Main Campus |
Communication, Collaboration and Commitment: Overcoming Conflict with Engaged Leadership Charles P. Gause, Southeast Missouri State University |
Competency Map of the Academic Chair David A. Line, Eastern Washington University |
Department Chair as University Change Agent: A Practitioner-Researcher Leadership Model Robbie J. Steward Ph.D., Stephen F. Austin State University |
Development for Department Chairs: Why Fundraising is Now Part of the Job Craig D. Hlavac, Southern Connecticut State University |
Effective Communication in Academia: It Goes Both ways! Domenick J. Pinto, Sacred Heart University |
Effective Department Meetings: The right approach varies Deborah S. Richardson, Augusta University |
Impementing Self-Study Review Feedback Margaret A. Thomas-Evans, Indiana University - East |
Inspired Leadership: Using Spiritual Principles to Guide Department Chair Work Kathy A. Gainor Ph.D., Montclair State University |
Interim to Permanent Chair: Leaders for Today Neporcha Cone, Kennesaw State University |
Leading from the Middle: Lessons Learned for New Chairs Christopher Jochum, Fort Hays State University |
Maximizing Faculty Performance Mary Devine |
Servant Leadership in Higher Education Alicia Domack, Milwaukee School of Engineering |
Successfully Navigating the Merger of Three Academic Departments into One Amy B. Harkins PhD, Saint Louis University |
Time Management for Department Chairs Christian K. Hansen, Eastern Washington University |