Author Information

Paul Armstrong, Birbeck College


This paper builds on earlier work on values and ethics that argued the need to re-vision the ideas of Emile Durkheim, by suggesting that the argument is supported by the notion of fin de siecle, which implies that the challenges of post-modernity are by no means new, and that there is evidence of a patter or even a cycle that would seem to re-appear at the end of each century. Approaching the 21st century and the millennium, the notion of fin de siecle has additional significance. But is it merely a matter of history repeating itself? And is this important to the educators of adults?

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May 30th, 9:00 AM

Towards fin de siecle: A time to revision Durkheim's sociology of education?

This paper builds on earlier work on values and ethics that argued the need to re-vision the ideas of Emile Durkheim, by suggesting that the argument is supported by the notion of fin de siecle, which implies that the challenges of post-modernity are by no means new, and that there is evidence of a patter or even a cycle that would seem to re-appear at the end of each century. Approaching the 21st century and the millennium, the notion of fin de siecle has additional significance. But is it merely a matter of history repeating itself? And is this important to the educators of adults?