9:00 AM
The Ambiguities of Home: The Shifting Meanings of Learning Across Spaces, Places, and Identities
Mechthild Hart, DePaul University, USA
Susan Brigham, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada
Patricia Gouthro, Mount Sain Vincent University, Canada
Heather M. Nash, Penn State University, USA
Mary V. Alfred, Florida International University, USA
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9:00 AM
Challenging the Hegemony of Western Views of Learning
Sharan B. Merriam, The University of Georigia, USA
Logama Doraisamy, Telekom, Malaysa
Brian Findsen, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Mazalan Kamis, Cornell University and Malaysia
Youngwha Kee, Soongsil University, South Korea
Mazanah Mohamad, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Gabo Ntseane, University of Botswana, Botswana
Swathi Nath Thaker, University of Georgia, USA
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9:00 AM
Racializing The Discourse of Adult Education
Elizabeth A. Peterson, National-Louis University, USA
Stephen D. Brookfield, USA
Vanessa Sheared, USA
Juanita Johnson-Bailey, USA
Scipio A.J. Colin, III,USA
9:00 AM