Author Information

Carla L. Goad
Dallas E. Johnson


A crossover experiment is a special form of a repeated measures experiment. An appropriate analysis of a repeated measures experiment depends on the form of the varian-cecovariance matrix of the repeated measures. Certain forms of this matrix yield valid analysis of variance F -tests while other forms invalidate these tests. In a crossover experiment where analysis of variance tests are invalid, two alternative tests of a linear contrast of the parameters are proposed. In addition to these approximate t-tests, three alternative methods for testing for equal treatment effects and equal carryover effects are proposed. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate these proposed alternative test procedures for power. Confidence levels and confidence interval lengths are also examined for those procedures from which an estimate of the linear contrast can be made.


crossover design, repeated measures

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Apr 27th, 11:00 AM


A crossover experiment is a special form of a repeated measures experiment. An appropriate analysis of a repeated measures experiment depends on the form of the varian-cecovariance matrix of the repeated measures. Certain forms of this matrix yield valid analysis of variance F -tests while other forms invalidate these tests. In a crossover experiment where analysis of variance tests are invalid, two alternative tests of a linear contrast of the parameters are proposed. In addition to these approximate t-tests, three alternative methods for testing for equal treatment effects and equal carryover effects are proposed. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate these proposed alternative test procedures for power. Confidence levels and confidence interval lengths are also examined for those procedures from which an estimate of the linear contrast can be made.