Author Information

Scott J. Richter
Mark E. Payton


A procedure is studied that uses rank transformed data to perform exact and estimated exact tests which is an alternative to the commonly used F-ratio test procedure. First, a common parametric test statistic is computed using rank transformed data, where two methods of ranking - ranks taken of the original observations, and ranks taken after aligning the observations - are studied. Significance is then determined using either the exact permutation distribution of the statistic or an estimate of this distribution based on a random sample of all possible permutations. Simulation studies compare the performance of this method to both the normal theory parametric F-test and the traditional rank transform procedure. Power and nominal type-I error rates are compared under conditions when normal theory assumptions are satisfied as well as when these assumptions are violated. The method is studied for a two factor factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized design and also for a split-unit experiment.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Apr 27th, 4:00 PM


A procedure is studied that uses rank transformed data to perform exact and estimated exact tests which is an alternative to the commonly used F-ratio test procedure. First, a common parametric test statistic is computed using rank transformed data, where two methods of ranking - ranks taken of the original observations, and ranks taken after aligning the observations - are studied. Significance is then determined using either the exact permutation distribution of the statistic or an estimate of this distribution based on a random sample of all possible permutations. Simulation studies compare the performance of this method to both the normal theory parametric F-test and the traditional rank transform procedure. Power and nominal type-I error rates are compared under conditions when normal theory assumptions are satisfied as well as when these assumptions are violated. The method is studied for a two factor factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized design and also for a split-unit experiment.