
Remote sensing imagery is a popular accessment tool in agriculture, forestry, and rangeland management. Spectral classification of imagery provides a means of estimating production and identifYing potential problems, such as weed, insect, and disease infestations. Accuracy of classification is traditionally based on ground truthing and summary statistics such as Cohen's Kappa. Variability assessment and comparison of these quantities have been limited to asymptotic procedures relying on large sample sizes and gaussian distributions. However, asymptotic methods fail to take into account the underlying distribution of the classified data and may produce invalid inferential results. Bayesian methodology is introduced to develop probability distributions for Cohen's Conditional Kappa that can subsequently be used for image assessment and comparison. Techniques are demonstrated on a set of images used in identifYing a species of weed, yellow starthistle, at various spatial resolutions and flying times.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Apr 26th, 9:30 AM


Remote sensing imagery is a popular accessment tool in agriculture, forestry, and rangeland management. Spectral classification of imagery provides a means of estimating production and identifYing potential problems, such as weed, insect, and disease infestations. Accuracy of classification is traditionally based on ground truthing and summary statistics such as Cohen's Kappa. Variability assessment and comparison of these quantities have been limited to asymptotic procedures relying on large sample sizes and gaussian distributions. However, asymptotic methods fail to take into account the underlying distribution of the classified data and may produce invalid inferential results. Bayesian methodology is introduced to develop probability distributions for Cohen's Conditional Kappa that can subsequently be used for image assessment and comparison. Techniques are demonstrated on a set of images used in identifYing a species of weed, yellow starthistle, at various spatial resolutions and flying times.