2019: The Art of Democracy


women, arts, messages, images, cultural values


Women are surrounded by messages telling them how to meet the cultural expectations set by society. The messages revolve around a woman’s most valuable assets: her beauty and service to men – everything else is unnecessary. These messages come from a variety of media: movies, TV, magazines, and advertisers, which are then reinforced by the public. Women are on display. The consequences of cultural values which revolve around women as objects of display can be dire. Women who meet the standards are valued only for that singular accomplishment, women who don’t are ostracized, and neither group is free to live her life on her own terms. While women can often be silenced when speaking out against injustices, art can add another voice to speak to these issues. This exhibit can continue a conversation contributing to change already put in motion by activists that have come before.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

To Be Quiet and Permanently Beautiful: Women on Display

Women are surrounded by messages telling them how to meet the cultural expectations set by society. The messages revolve around a woman’s most valuable assets: her beauty and service to men – everything else is unnecessary. These messages come from a variety of media: movies, TV, magazines, and advertisers, which are then reinforced by the public. Women are on display. The consequences of cultural values which revolve around women as objects of display can be dire. Women who meet the standards are valued only for that singular accomplishment, women who don’t are ostracized, and neither group is free to live her life on her own terms. While women can often be silenced when speaking out against injustices, art can add another voice to speak to these issues. This exhibit can continue a conversation contributing to change already put in motion by activists that have come before.