From the Executive Editor
“Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings.”-Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The JIAEE editorial team is excited to share a new beginning with each and every one of you as we transition officially to our new platform: New Prairie Press with this latest Issue 28(5), the last we will be publishing this year. While it is short due to our submission and review process being delayed during our transition period, there are some innovative and interesting articles to read. I encourage each of you to take a look.
The editorial team would like to thank Kansas State University for supporting the platform and allowing all journals using its publishing services to eliminate page fees. Which means, you can now publish with the JIAEE cost free! We are hopeful this opens up even more opportunities for our members around the world to take advantage of publishing within the pages of the journal. If you know of someone who might be interested, please pass along the journal information. In addition, if you (or someone you know) would be willing to serve as reviewers for the JIAEE, please reach out and let us know as the more reviewers we have, the faster we can turn around reviews and publish your valuable work.
Personally, I would like to thank Dr. Todd Brashears and Dr. Kristina Hains for their persistent faith in moving the JIAEE to the new platform over the past two years. From working through contracts with the AIAEE leadership team and New Prairie Press staff to transitioning journal articles and troubleshooting reviewer profiles the two have gone above and beyond and their efforts should be applauded.
Last but not least, I am thrilled to announce our new JIAEE Managing Editor:
Dr. Mary Rodriguez, The Ohio State University
We will be transitioning our editorial team in early January with Dr. Brashears taking over as Executive Editor and Dr. Rodriguez joining in this role.
It has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve on the editorial team this past four years, and I look forward to contributing as the Past Editor in the years to come. Thank you for all your submissions. Your amazing research efforts have inspired me in more ways than you can image.
Once again, we thank you all for reading, submitting your work and reviewing for the JIAEE. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions.
Happy New Year and Cheers to New Beginnings!
Alexa J. Lamm, PhD
Table of Contents - Introduction
Alexa Lamm
Research Articles
Discord between Egyptian Agriculture Students’ and Employers’ Perceptions of the Importance of Various Skills in new Employees
Leah Thompson, J. Alex Pasternak, Ramjee Ghimire, D. Hashini Galhena Dissanayake, Nanda Joshi, Waleed Saleh, and Paul Ebner
Development and Validation of the International Extension Network Advocacy Capacity Scale
Kevan W. Lamm, Alexa Lamm, Kristin E. Davis, Catherine Dobbins, and Alyssa Powell
How Are Egyptian Agricultural Students Preparing for a Career?
Ramjee P. Ghimire, D. Hashini Galhena Dissanayake, Paul Ebner, Nanda Joshi, and Leah Thompson
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Alexa Lamm