Volume 4, Issue 5 (2018) Kansas Fertilizer Research
Research Reports
Precipitation Data
M. Knapp
Long-Term Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization of Irrigated Corn
A. Schlegel and H. D. Bond
Long-Term Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization of Irrigated Grain Sorghum
A. Schlegel and H. D. Bond
Nitrogen Application Effects on Forage Sorghum Biomass Production and Nitrates
A. Obour, J. D. Holman, and D. B. Mengel
Seeding Rate and Nitrogen Application Effects on Spring Oat and Triticale Forage
A. Obour, J. D. Holman, and A. Schlegel
Cropping and Tillage Systems
Effect of Drilled Seeding and Nitrogen Rate on Grain Sorghum Yield in Southwest Kansas
A. J. Foster, A. Schlegel, I. B. Cuvaca, J. D. Holman, I. A. Ciampitti, C. Thompson, D. Ruiz Diaz, and R. Currie
Soil and Water Management
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilization for Newly Established Tall Fescue
D. W. Sweeney, J. L. Moyer, and J. K. Farney
Tillage and Nitrogen Placement Effects on Yields in a Short-Season Corn/Wheat/ Double-Crop Soybean Rotation
D. W. Sweeney
Timing of Side-Dress Applications of Nitrogen for Corn in Conventional and No-Till Systems
D. W. Sweeney and D. E. Shoup
Response of Soybean Grown on a Claypan Soil in Southeastern Kansas to the Residual of Different Plant Nutrient Sources and Tillage
D. W. Sweeney, Philip Barnes, and Gary Pierzynski
Weed Science
Integrating Half Rates of Dicamba and Atrazine with Increasing Sorghum Density and Nitrogen Rate for Palmer Amaranth Control
I. B. Cuvaca, A. J. Foster, and R. Currie
Full Report