

Meeting customer demands is a daily task for communications units. Documenting how well demands are met is a measure of accountability, which is a growing concern for educational institutions. At Kansas State University, the Department of Communications was asked to document how internal customers perceived the department's service. Multiple methods are employed in this effort, one of which was a census of on-campus faculty and unclassified staff. Overall, response by these clients indicated that the department was fulfilling its mission, servicing customers well, and responding promptly. The census provided baseline data and helped inform administrators about department operations. Documenting productivity is important to administrators as the need for accountability increases. Productivity for a communications unit often is judged by clients' perceptions of how well the unit meets or services customer needs. Determining how well one is servicing customers provides information for performance documentation as well as improvement and decision making support. Trends or changes in client satisfaction can be identified as well, because baseline data are established.

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