"Antioxidant properties of liquid smoke in precooked beef patties (1997" by R. Estrada-Munoz, Elizabeth A.E. Boyle et al.


Cattlemen's Day, 1997; Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station contribution; no. 97-309-S; Report of progress (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service); 783; Beef; Liquid smoke; Warmed-over flavor; Precooked beef patties


Liquid smoke (LS) effectiveness in controlling lipid oxidation and warmed-over flavor (WOF) in beef was investigated. Aroma scores, "α-thiobarbituri c acid (TBA) numbers, and pH values were lower (P<.05) in LS-treated beef patties than in patties without LS. LS has useful antioxidative properties in precooked ground beef patties at the normally recommended percentage of 1.5%. That should reduce undesirable flavor development and product loss.

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