cover crops, fallow, soil water, crop yield, flex-fallow
Producers are interested in growing cover crops and reducing fallow. Growing a crop during the fallow period would increase profitability if crop benefits exceeded expenses. Benefits of growing a cover crop were shown in high rainfall areas, but limited information is available on growing cover crops in place of fallow in the semiarid Great Plains. A study was conducted from 2007–2017 that evaluated cover crops, annual forages, and short season grain crops grown in place of fallow. In the first experiment (2007-2012), the rotation was no-tillage wheat-fallow. The second experiment (2012-2017) rotation was no-tillage wheat-grain sorghum-fallow. This report presents results from the second experiment. Wheat yield was affected by the previous crop, but growing a previous crop, such as hay or cover, did not affect wheat yield. Wheat yield following the previous crop was dependent on precipitation during fallow and the growing season. In dry years (2011-2014), growing a crop during the fallow period reduced wheat yields, while growing a crop during the fallow period had little impact on wheat yield in wet years (2008-2010). The length of the fallow period also affected yields of the following wheat crop. Growing a cover or hay crop until June 1 affected wheat less than if a winter or spring crop were grown for grain, which utilized the land approximately the first week of July. Cover crops did not improve wheat or grain sorghum yields compared to fallow. To be successful, the benefits of growing a cover crop during the fallow period must be greater than the expense of growing it and must compensate for any negative yield impacts on the subsequent crop. Cover crops always resulted in less profit than fallow, while annual forages often increased profit compared to fallow. The negative effects on wheat yields might be minimized with flex-fallow, which is the concept of only growing a crop in place of fallow in years when soil moisture at planting and precipitation outlook are favorable at the time of making the decision to plant.
Recommended Citation
Holman, J. D.; Roberts, T.; and Maxwell, S.
"Fallow Replacement Crop (Cover Crops, Annual Forages, and Short-Season Grain Crops) Effects on Wheat and Grain Sorghum Yields,"
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports:
Vol. 3: