

Disease, turfgrass, mixture


Research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established successfully, with the potential to provide a high quality turfgrass stand with reduced inputs. Our objective was to determine whether mixing zoysiagrass with tall fescue will reduce brown patch severity while maintaining overall accept­able quality. Studies were established at the Rocky Ford Turfgrass Research Center in Manhattan, KS. In the split-plot design, natural infection byRhizoctoniasolanior a fungicide-treated control was the whole plot treatment factor and species (tall fescue monostand and the zoysiagrass/tall fescue mixture) were subplots. During July and August 2016 and 2017, when hot, humid weather triggered brown patch, excessive irrigation was applied to promote brown patch. Disease severity was mea­sured by visual ratings and digital image analysis; number of leaves in each plot that were infected was recorded using a grid. The mixed stand then showed less plot area affected by brown patch disease compared to the monostand of tall fescue.


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