New Prairie Press - Adult Education Research Conference: Another Look at a Historical Foundation of HRD: F.R. Roethlisberger’s Foreman


F.R. Roethlisberger has been recognized as the ”father” of the human relations period of management. Historically, this period was seen as a move towards more humanism in the workplace. This manuscript presents a poststructural analysis of a classic management text from this period. Findings and implications for HRD are presented.


Human relations, Roethlisberger, F.R., poststructural analysis

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Aug 8th, 9:00 AM

Another Look at a Historical Foundation of HRD: F.R. Roethlisberger’s Foreman

F.R. Roethlisberger has been recognized as the ”father” of the human relations period of management. Historically, this period was seen as a move towards more humanism in the workplace. This manuscript presents a poststructural analysis of a classic management text from this period. Findings and implications for HRD are presented.