New Prairie Press - Adult Education Research Conference: Mapping Cognitive Engagement in Adult Literacy Classrooms


Using exploratory factor analysis to examine self-reported survey data from adult learners, this study identified three factors of cognitive engagement in the adult literacy classroom: program involvement, focus, and independent effort. A model that demonstrates the impact of independent effort on gains in reading test scores was developed using multivariate analysis.


Adult literacy, cognitive engagement, quantitative research

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
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Aug 16th, 9:00 AM

Mapping Cognitive Engagement in Adult Literacy Classrooms

Using exploratory factor analysis to examine self-reported survey data from adult learners, this study identified three factors of cognitive engagement in the adult literacy classroom: program involvement, focus, and independent effort. A model that demonstrates the impact of independent effort on gains in reading test scores was developed using multivariate analysis.