
The purpose of this study was to develop and pilot a questionnaire for limited English proficient adults that would 1) provide adult ESL programs with information about their students' goals, needs, and attitudes and 2) enable large-scale data collection among these students for both program planning and research purposes.


ESL, immigrants, goals, beliefs, needs, attitudes

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


Oct 11th, 9:00 AM

Why Are They Studying English? Assessing the Goals, Beliefs, Needs, and Attitudes of Adult Immigrants in ESL Programs

The purpose of this study was to develop and pilot a questionnaire for limited English proficient adults that would 1) provide adult ESL programs with information about their students' goals, needs, and attitudes and 2) enable large-scale data collection among these students for both program planning and research purposes.