New Prairie Press - Adult Education Research Conference: The Uses and Consequences of Literacy Among Salvadoran Campesinos/as: A Longitudinal Study


This paper uses data from a longitudinal study with former adult literacy participants in El Salvador to examine how campesinos/as currently use literacy and what they perceive as the temporary and long-term socio-economic benefits of literacy education. The findings underscore the social dimensions and multi-faceted nature and consequences of literacy.


adult literacy; El Salvador; international adult education; literacy practices

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


Oct 17th, 9:00 AM

The Uses and Consequences of Literacy Among Salvadoran Campesinos/as: A Longitudinal Study

This paper uses data from a longitudinal study with former adult literacy participants in El Salvador to examine how campesinos/as currently use literacy and what they perceive as the temporary and long-term socio-economic benefits of literacy education. The findings underscore the social dimensions and multi-faceted nature and consequences of literacy.