In April, 1978, John Ohliger left Madison, Wisconsin, for Cuernavaca, Mexico, to assist Ivan Illich and Valentina Borremans with annotated bibliographies of Illich’s writings. During this trip Ohliger used a tape recorder to audiotape his experience so he could share it with his future wife Christina Wagner upon his return to Wisconsin. These audiotapes are entirely from Ohliger’s point of view. He decided when to turn on the recorder and when to it off. This essay is based almost entirely from these audiotapes, and therefore represents Ohliger’s view of his relationship with Illich, and more importantly it provides a brief glimpse into Ohliger’s humanity and humanness.
John Ohliger, Ivan Illich, mandatory adult education
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Recommended Citation
Zacharakis, J.
In Conversation with John Ohliger and Ivan Illich—April 8-10, 1978.
Adult Education Research Conference.
In Conversation with John Ohliger and Ivan Illich—April 8-10, 1978
In April, 1978, John Ohliger left Madison, Wisconsin, for Cuernavaca, Mexico, to assist Ivan Illich and Valentina Borremans with annotated bibliographies of Illich’s writings. During this trip Ohliger used a tape recorder to audiotape his experience so he could share it with his future wife Christina Wagner upon his return to Wisconsin. These audiotapes are entirely from Ohliger’s point of view. He decided when to turn on the recorder and when to it off. This essay is based almost entirely from these audiotapes, and therefore represents Ohliger’s view of his relationship with Illich, and more importantly it provides a brief glimpse into Ohliger’s humanity and humanness.