
How can an adult make meaning from complex transformative learning experiences in order to become a self-authored learner? This autoethnography explores how a male in the general population describes his transformative learning experiences and identity development over 23 years. The author illustrates the value of authoethnographic practice by illustrating how it has promoted his transformation over three decades.


autoethnography, transformative learning, identity development

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


May 19th, 1:45 PM

A Tree Growing Amidst an OrchestraAutoethnographic Practice in Transformative Learning

How can an adult make meaning from complex transformative learning experiences in order to become a self-authored learner? This autoethnography explores how a male in the general population describes his transformative learning experiences and identity development over 23 years. The author illustrates the value of authoethnographic practice by illustrating how it has promoted his transformation over three decades.