The Journal of Applied Communications is a quarterly, refereed journal published by the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE). The Journal of Applied Communications focuses specifically on issues and topics relevant to agricultural and applied communication professionals and is peer-reviewed to ensure accuracy and quality.
Current Issue: Volume 108, Issue 2 (2024)
An Enthusiastic but Uncertain Welcome: Coverage of Risks, Benefits, and Social Contexts of CRISPR Technology in U.S. Agricultural News 2012-2022
Lindsey Middleton, Anqi Shao, Ashley Cate, Jade Haugen, and Nan Li
Measuring Agricultural Means of Influence on Young Adults via Instagram in the United States
Samantha Bennett, David S. Martin, Jason T. Sawyer, Soren P. Rodning, and Don Mulvaney
Influence of Production Method Information on Acceptance of Precision-Grown Food Compared to Conventional and Organic Food: The Role of Consumer Innovativeness
Lishan Su and Jason Ellis
Interpreting the Influence of Heuristic and Systematic Cues on Visual Attention to Food Label Claims
Caitlin Stanton, Courtney Meyers, Nan Li, and Amber McCord
Sewing Brand Messages on Social Media: A Content Analysis of Cotton Incorporated’s Instagram Content Stimuli
Madalynn Kainer, Holli Leggette, Gary Wingenbach, Thomas Chappell, and Karissa Palmer
Assessing Farmers’ Perceptions of Best Management Practices: An Exploration of the Viewpoints of Cotton and Peanut Farmers in Georgia using Q Methodology
William R. Taylor, Abigail Borron, Jessica Holt, and Scott Monfort